76 Circlewood, Tuscaloosa 35405

(205) 454-0925


If you need home improvement in Tuscaloosa, Mark's Remodeling and House Repair Services should be your first call. We will also be your only call.

There Is Always A Project

No matter how well you maintain your house, various home repair projects will crop up, from time to time. Often, they involve a home improvement simple home repair, like fixing a leaky faucet. Sometimes, however, they will are bigger in scope, like adding a bedroom or a backyard deck.

Whether you need help with a large or small project, the experts at Mark's Remodeling and House Repair Services can help with these types of projects.

Long To-Do List? No Problem!

Projects of this nature, especially in an older home, can pile up quickly. They can also be as different as night and day. Consequently, the list of home improvement projects can soon become overwhelming.

That's where we come in. We can help you in prioritizing the task list. After that, we will tackle each project and complete them as efficiently as possible.

Our Experience Is Wide

Home improvement projects can vary widely, in terms of needed expertise. For example, adding a bedroom can involve carpentry, electrical, painting, and installing vinyl siding and windows. As a result, it's important to be able to call on a company with experience in a number of areas. Therefore, all of those different skill sets can more easily be integrated, leading to a successful outcome for you, the homeowner. In short, we [rovide more than just handyman services.

At Mark's Remodeling and House Repair Services, we don't just specialize in one or two home improvement areas. We excel at all of them! That's a “win” for you!

How can we be adept at so many different skill areas, you might ask? In short, we have been taking care of home improvement in Tuscaloosa since 1992. During our nearly three decades in business, we have learned a thing or two. And, the great news is, you benefit from this!

So, what are you waiting for? Call us, TODAY!